Burnout, Break & Realignment (041)

In this episode (041), I talk about where I’ve been gone for so long between season 2 and season 3 and all that has transpired in the season break and how it has helped me to realign and grow.
This episode (041), I titled ‘Burnout, Break & Realignment’ as I speak about all that has been happening in my extended season break, and how it has affected me.  Some of the things I cover include:

  • Why I’ve been gone for so long
  • My intended break and why it got extended
  • Burnout and its definition
  • My experience with burnout
  • How COVID made this experience unique
  • Realignment
  • How I became realigned and the things that I needed to do to feel realigned
  • Why it’s important for you to take a break if you feel you need one 

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Photo in Podcast Artwork by Tiffany Lue-Yen.
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Burnout, Break & Realignment (041)
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